Toilet Training the Second Time Around, Around, Around

I have no desire to pressure my daughter on toilet training, but she has recently taken more interest in what goes on in the bathroom. And by interest I mean, she yells “pee pee” every time I walk into the bathroom. At present there is very little volume control with Daisy; her volume starts at the mid-loud range and only goes up from there (perhaps she thinks that’s the only way she’ll be heard over her brother). The volume combined with her relatively low and sometimes raspy voice can make her sound like an insistent Lauren Bacall.  I don’t know, maybe she’s sneaking out for smokes during nap time.

I think maybe I waited too long with my son and missed some of the signs that he was ready to start toilet training. I suppose it also didn’t help that my daughter was born about a month or so after we started any attempts at training with Eli. That definitely put training on the back burner. As eager as I was for him to learn, it just seemed so much easier to change two sets of diapers, than to juggle a newborn while sitting by the potty with my son and trying to display the patience necessary for training. Heck, I struggle with patience under the best of conditions! He’s now comfortable with the toilet on all accounts, and even has a penchant for “watering” a certain area of the backyard, so I suppose there was no harm in waiting.

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Determined not to miss the signs of training readiness this time around, I decided to place a training potty in the bathroom today so that it would become familiar to her. No pressure, but it’s there if she’s interested. No sooner had I placed it on the floor that she toddler-ran up to it, leaned all the way over and stuck her head in the bowl and yelled “echo, echo, echo”. The girl loves herself a good echo. Well, we’ve got to start somewhere.

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